Bring full real treatment for ALL lymphoedema sufferers !

This petition is in order to get treatment for Lymphoedema, particularly, non-cancer related Lymphoedema.  Many people go undiagnosed for years, often being told that they need to rest or to go to see another practitioner or specialist. The truth being told there are no Lymphatic specialist really anywhere in most countries. When Sufferers are diagnosed, they are told, that there is nothing that can be done. This is despite the fact that there is excellent, evidence based treatment, such as Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT) or MLD which does help. There is no cure, but there is treatment available around Europe and more recently, micro surgery, that can alleviate the symptoms, including the severe pain suffered by people with this condition. The cost in ruined lives, of not providing treatment, is unacceptable. This government must make these treatments available across the country and locally, not just to a lucky few and there should be a Lymphoedema Strategy for every country, as has already been set up in Wales and Scotland.