PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down



2016-11-05 14:40

Because I want zuma to step down his not fit to be our president. He knows nothing about being a leader of the people his so corrupt and everything is expensive because of him



2016-11-06 21:51

Zuma is a disgrace to the human race and the legacy Nelson Mandela left behind for us!! He does not care about South Africa but only about his self gain and that of his cronies around him. Does not take anything seriously and laughs about everything, including you and my future in this beautiful country of ours. How can anyone in their right mind still vote for this idiot and criminal. Zuma must be locked up - he has got away with faaaar to much - enough is enough



2016-11-07 08:50

Equal rights for every one. Stop corruption.



2016-11-17 15:04

I am fed up with all the corruption and lies of this president.



2016-11-18 13:00

South Africa deserves a moral leader



2016-11-19 20:53

Zuma is 'n president met geen beginsels. Geen hart vir sy mense en sy land. Ons mense verarm en hy en die ANC-regering floreer. Hy is 'n rassis en wakker haatspraak aan. Hy is onbevoeg, onbekwaam, korrup en boonop 'n rampokker. Ons land, Suid-Afrika en sy mense verdien beter.


2017-03-31 09:01

A Corrupt Despot fires his Incorruptible Finance Minister, replaces Cabinet with Pro-Zuma cronies. Mocks his Opponents & Apartheid regime but single- handedly crippling our country. 



2017-04-05 09:34

Because SA belong to all of us not the ANC ruling party.They should rule based on the needs and desires of the people.This was what the freedom chardter stipulates.They now govern based on personal greed and selfish power hungers.