Signature Campaign: Protest the Attack against Carlos the Jackal

Turkish People
The author of this petition


2011-02-19 04:30

“It is Carlos the Jackal’s Turn to Talk”
(Soz Cakal Carlos’ta)

The legendary guerilla leader of the Twentieth century, “Carlos the Jackal”, (Ilich Ramirez Sanchez by his Venezuelan identity or Salim Muhammed by his Muslim identity) who has been chased after by the western intelligence services and Mossad for 25 years and every time got rid of them with his genius plans, about whom many books have been written and many films have been made, and who has been in French prisons for 17 years after being caught in Sudan in 1994, is now coming to the fore with a book full of claims, exposes and theses which are potentially earth-shattering. His words on the back cover of the book remind us of “who” is the person we are coming face to face, or in a more cliché word, “with whom he’s playing”:

- “I have been in prison in France for 16 years. Then what happened 16 years ago? We were living in Sudan together with Osama bin Laden, Abu Nidal and Imad Mugniye under the supervision and guard of some 60 Sudanese secret service agents. And, one day, when I opened my eyes, I found myself before CIA and French secret service authorities in France. They had sold me. Who were responsible? I was sold to CIA by the head of Sudan’s regime, Omar al-Bashir, and his clique. The Saudis paid it with petrodollars in return for delivering me to CIA."

In his book It is Carlos the Jackal’s Turn to Talk which has been published recently “for the first time in the world" by Tahkim Publishing House in Turkey, Carlos expresses his analyses on the current world politics and the world of today in continents and countries. In the meantime, he explains the going and coming “new world order”, and his approach to Communism as well as Islam and Capitalism in a striking way which we are not that familiar with but consistently with his own point of view.

Carlos does not only express his “opinion”. He also unveils some “secret” files as it is expected from a person having such an “extraordinary” past. In this framework, he sincerely explains and exposes to his Turkish lawyers and journalist friends the historical and strategic background of the developments at the top of the world’s agenda which cannot be seen in the media, the secret profiles and politic agendas of influential people in the East and West, the unknown facts about the armed struggle against Israel he started in Palestine and moved to European cities, his relations with the presidents many of whom are still alive today, his cooperation with the world’s illegal celebrities from Osama bin Laden to Abu Nidal and more.

The most surprising point for the ones who read the book may be the fact that Carlos, who is “the first international revolutionist and legendary guerilla leader fighting for the liberation of Palestine” for some people or “the most wanted terrorist of the Twentieth century that killed people pitilessly” for the others, speaks with a language of a person having a versatile “scholar” formation as well as his incredible knowledge of history about nearly every country. While reading the book, you sometimes forget that the man speaking is a “terror legend” and feel like you are listening to a political analyst, a historian, an economist, a sociologist, an anthropologist, or a lawyer. Nevertheless, after all these “serious” analyses, there comes a skill of “satire” and “irony” that is professionally used by Carlos and reminds you that the man you are listening to is not a “scholar”. It is obvious that Carlos hits the bull’s eye not only with guns but also with his brilliant humour.

Although “Carlos the Jackal” is still in a French prison with life imprisonment, he hasn’t been seen as a “finished enemy” yet by his “foes”. According to Carlos, he is still “being attacked non-stop”. These words on the back cover of the book also belong to him:

- “I’m not seen as an ordinary prisoner, and I know I will be killed one day. Many people want me to be killed, and are looking forward to that day, but I still survive as a “living martyr”, I continue my struggle which I am proud of and I will go on being an example and encourage the others for resistance.”

Although there are too many things to talk about the book, it is better to allow the readers to enjoy discovering the rest by themselves.

Written by: Ilich Ramirez Sanchez (Salim Muhammed)
Translated from English to Turkish by: Hayreddin Soykan
Publisher: Tahkim Publishing House
Place of Publication: Istanbul
Year of Publication: November 2010
1st edition, 3000 pcs.
ISBN: 978-605-882-520-8
Soft Cover, 356 pages
15 × 23 cm

TAHKIM Yayincilik ve Dagitim Limited Sirketi
Merkezefendi Mah. Mevlana Cad.
Tercuman Sitesi, Platin B-1 Blok, Daire 8

Translated and Edited by: Hayreddin Soykan
E-mail for information requests from abroad:
Hayreddin Soykan

Interviews with Carlos
Journalist Fazil Duygun
Lawyer Guven Yılmaz
Journalist-Translator Hayreddin Soykan
Lawyer Ahmet Arslan
Lawyer Hasan Olcer