Signature Campaign: Protest the Attack against Carlos the Jackal

A fellow Venezuelan

/ #49 The wonders of moral relativism

2011-02-24 04:27

Ah! The wonders of moral relativism! You killed one thousand but I killed five hundred thus, I am better or more deserving of forgiveness than you are.

Sorry pal, it doesn't work that way for me. Those Western governments -together with the Eastern ones as well- that have killed scores of people for ideological or power-hunger reasons are as guilty as your Carlos regardless of the scale of the killing. If you find solace in defending a murderer because he killed **just a few** well, I pity you. Perhaps you should ask what the parents, spouses and children of those that your Carlos killed in cold blood think of him.

I don't care about your rationalizations for murder. I still think that your Carlos deserves what he is getting and if he is being abused and tortured while in prison then all the better. As far as I am concerned he lost his right to ask for a humane treatment the moment he stop treating others in a humane way.