Petition for the immediate withdrawal of the Licensing Regime

Waiting for Removal of PAP

/ #213

2013-06-06 06:56

The PAP are LIARS AND HYPOCRITES - Forcing 100s of 1000s of students (they are very right 'citizens too, just because 'under-age') to RECITE the DAILY school pledge for the LAST 14,600,000,000 (365days x 40 years x 1 million school children) DAYS - YET the PAP BEHAVED as DICTATORS who FORCED the enactment of the PLEDGE on Innocent CITIZENS BUT ENTIRELY exempt THEMSELVES. THIS PAP has BEEN LIARS and HYPOCRITES for the LAST 40 YEARS - they HAVE ALSO CORRUPTED 1000s of INNOCENT MINDS...So in a SENSE, the PAP is CORRUPTED, HYPOCRITES and LIARS...