Keep Thundercracker Exclusive and Recall the Impostor

Fred McMahon

/ #18 Heh

2011-03-24 23:20

well hell while you are at it, why don't you throw on a side suit for malicious packaging practices of case assortments, maybe if you do a little something to make it seem like its not all about yourself and your wallet and make them face another issue that effects Everyone, maybe you'll get a little more respect and support.

However this would have to be integrated with your desired recall, is up to your lawyer I guess. Which does leave me with another thought, your expecting the TC's to actually hit the stores it seems, which as we well know with the last movie toy buildup the other toys release before never saw stores in most areas just like any RTS past wave 1 and the last of the Generations this year, so your competition for sales isn't gonna be as bad as you think.