Protect Stroud Farmer's Market


/ #16 Re: Our market

2013-12-19 08:53

#15: mermaid - Our market

Okay if it is "our Market" then there are vehicles available such as Community Interest Companies or Companies Limited by Gurantee that could be formed by "the Stroud community" to run the market. Perhaps Stroud Town Council can speak up and take a lead. Perhaps the Traders could get together and form a Co-Opertaive or Mutual Enterprise. But let us get past the sentimentality this is afterall a business, with a social element, but a business run by MIS Ltd. Once again the subsidy needs to be looked at. The terms of the contract need to be open and transparent. I understand that the last Conservative administration of SDC somehow forgot to take the decision on some 2-3 yeras ago which is why this administration is faced with the problem.

There is also a Government Bill, supported I assume by Mr Carmichael, progressing through Parliament at present, called the Local Audit Bill which if it becomes law changes the way SDC will have to be audited. At its heart are clauses requiring more openess & accountability by councils to the electorate. Mr Carmichael has tweeted re the Bill "....a further boost for localism & accountability". So now that SDC are working towards complying with what will become law is Mr Carmichael trying to work against the law his administration is passing. Supporters of the Market beware MPs bearing gifts.

Once again as a Tax payer who does not live in Stroud I object strongly to my contributions to the council being used to subsidise a Private Company trading in an open market in Stroud. Yes preserve the Market but let us not forget others who sudsidise it but do not use it.