Petition in favour for Marica Pirosikova-ECHR - reopened

Ruby Harrold-Claesson

/ #3

2014-01-08 18:10

I fully support JUDr. Marica Pirošíková as a most competent and suitable candidate to become a judge at the European Court of Human Rights. Marica Pirošíková's consecration to Human Rights led the Slovakian government to send her as their Emissary to Great Britain to secure the return of the Boor brothers, who were unnececessarily taken into public care by British social workers and put up for forced adoption, to their parents and their home country, Slovakia.
Marica Pirošíková will be a great asset as a judge in the ECHR.
Ruby Harrold-Claesson, Lawyer in Sweden, President of the Nordic Committee for Human Rights