Help get permission for Conrad to own a therapy dog in Bellamont Gardens

Special needs mom 2

/ #13

2014-05-06 18:20

So sad that only people with special needs children will understand the struggles they have and we try to cope with every single day of our lives, and then things like this to deal with on top of that. I am from Namibia, and going to face these same battles soon. As I am in the process of getting a service dog for my child with autism too. Number 6, why don't you just give the poor child and his mother a chance for one month before making up your mind? You do not have to change your rules! A service dog, guide dog, assistance dog is not the same as a pet! It is trained to make life easier for the person with the disability. What ever happened to giving chances and good deeds. Come on! Give the kid a chance x