
/ #265

2014-09-07 01:02

while communicating with the poster seems pointells; on the geeky side of the story: who gave the american names to the g1 characters? I mean from when Hasbro bought Diacolone and when the first animated drawings by Floro Dery came about who named the toys/cahracters? As the cartoon was commissioned from a Japanese company to an American company when/who established the names? Were they translated from japanese? Are the Japanese character names different?

for those who dont know:


for those who don't care; short answer: Bob Budiansky


How would one handle a law suit against a product name copyright that has been in place for over 30 years? Mhhh, Besides the term in question was offensive, or more precisely in use in the 18th century I seem to understand? That would mean the term was already denigratory "slang" in 1984 which is asumedly when the copyright for tf names would have been registered? How do you go on about contesting something 30 years late when you can'even claim that the "denigratory slang" has come in use after the copyright was placed? Seems like you might need an expensive lawyer... 


Moreover, one could also argue that these brand character names are making use of english for international audiences rather than regional/national which would be the case as telling some1 is a cracker in Essex means nothing. Maybe he would think you are claiming he's good at cracking jokes? Whatever there is really no way to take this petition seriously ... other than for a good laugh