End overcrowding on the 105 Bus


/ #32 Abusive service!

2014-09-22 18:07

This has been going on for over 15 years. I've never seen a bus constantly this overcrowded. Our bus passes being more expensive each year, you would thing the stcum services would get better but I've had to wait for this bus in the middle of the winter at minus 20. Sometimes 3 buses would cruise by too full to pick you up. I'd sometimes had to walk in the freezing weather or dish out cash for a cab in order not to be late. If I'm lucky enough to get on, I sometimes have had to push my way in the back door the front being too jammed, being stuck to so many people in this overwhelming bath of odors, I'm not prepare to face this early. It's about time we the people, get treated with some coutesy. We pay for a service. Please give us a decent one, a respectable one, one that offers some kind of dignity. Instead I'm getting a slap in the face every morning for choosing a green way of transportation. THIS IS ENOUGH!