/ #109 Irvine Company

2014-10-01 15:34

The Irvine Company is getting ready to remove all leasing offices out of their apartments and go digital ~ this means pink slips to all assistant managers, managers and more. People will view on line what they are looking for in an area and apartments and select online etc etc.  Alot of the newer apartments around the Spectrum don't have security ~ The Irvine Company for years refused to have Walmarts in the city and now they have 2 of them the enviroment has changed, with the consent building of apartments ~ it is now considered the "NEW LOS ANGELES" los angeles has NO money ~ people are moving from L.A. to the O.C. and bringing their careless habits to this beautiful city,. however the ducks and geese at the Woodbridge Lake are sick and they have fishing lines hanging from the outside of their little beaks because the people who have moved here go their to fish and are not told about the rules of fishing there. The lake was meant for the homes around the lake and they pay associated dues for that reason and keeping the community clean and the landscapes.

The Irvine Company is making up for their losses during the worse time of the recession and turning their cheek the drought of all things and projected to last 10 more years!!!! they're insistent on moving on with the new buildings ~ we need to picket and make noise, let the neighboring areas know about the soon to be over crowded schools, hospitals, parking, busy and conjested streets, the people moving in are careless and I've notice alot of dumpster diving in my area of Woodbridge that worries me, these are people NOT from the area. We now have homeless people with carts over whelmed with junk.. it's making me sick to think these changes are coming and not for the better, where are my tax dollars going? The Irvine Company is working fast and hard to beat us down and do their dirty deed ~ DO NOT RE-ELECT THE GREEDY CURRENT POLICITIANS. They need to SLOW DOWN,. AND RETHINK THIS BEFORE ITS TO LATE FOR IRVINE RESIDENTS AND THE COMMUNITIES.