
/ #675

2015-06-19 00:19

I cannot believe that the council are possibly making a decision to close this small business. Do they really want the area to go back to the extreme eye~sore that it was prior to this wonderful INDEPENDENT GARDEN CENTRE? If I go to any other garden centres in and around this area ~ they are all the same, large sprawling retail centres. If one centre doesn't hold what I am looking for, you can bet I won't find it at any of the other chain garden centres as they all buy in bulk the exact same orders. Whereas, at Hare Hatch Sheeplands, a family owned PRIVATE garden centre, I have a far better chance of finding what I'm looking for!! The choices are different, offering various prices and different goods ~ CHOICE is what they give us instead of generic stock in multiple garden centres. The Hare Hatch Sheeplands is an extremely good quality and independent family business. It is an attractive development making the area so much better than before. Why does the council want to destroy a business that is established giving good service, good jobs, good example of what can and should be achieved with hard work against large impersonal companies nearby. Competition is good ~ give the individual business a chance to survive and supplying jobs for locals and making what was an eye sore, into a lovely garden centre ~ not harming anyone and indeed improving the area. DO NOT CLOSE HARE HATCH SHEEPLANDS!