
/ #17

2016-02-03 04:21

I really like General Manager mode, I haven't kept a WWE game since SvR 2008, (which I still have just for GM mode) when I do buy them and I see no GM mode right back to the game store for my money back, I always saw GM mode as an extra when you beat the game and want more then just expedition mode on top of that just cause some people don't like it doesn't mean get rid of it if you put the mode in the game then the people who don't like it won't play it and the mode will still be their for people that like it, personally you'd make more money putting back in the game, if I heard in 2k17 that there was GM mode back I would pre order it that's 70-75 bucks just right there now multiple that by the past 8 games, releases, the past 8 years with just me you guys lost roughly 800 now multiple that by the amount of WWE fans that don't buy your games just cause you got rid of a mode that was really enjoyable, you cut your profits by a nice margin, I'm just saying GM mode is worth it and if you want my money you'll do what I say how I want to play the game or ill do like I did the past 8 years and spent my money on a game that's worth it, I was really upset when I had got my SvR 2009 copy on pre order and one of my favorite modes just gone makes the game way to boring and makes me want to play a completely different game which is why I haven't bought any WWE games since then but that one mode will buy me bask its really simple.