Petition: zu Guttenberg muss die Europäische Kommission verlassen


/ #58 Possible additional upcoming damage

2011-12-17 16:17

I have highlighted [!!!] some sensitive spots. In my opinion, this is also a pr event for ACTA legislation, which will reduce free speech and increase profits for large global corporations.

Here is the EU press release:

Wednesday 11 January [2012]: Action plan to double the share of the Internet economy in Europe by 2015
The news:
In an effort to boost the digital Single market, the Commission will present an action plan on e-commerce and other online services with a target of doubling by 2015 the share of the Internet economy in the EU GDP, as well as that of online sales. To attain these objectives, the Commission proposes actions to achieve:

better access of consumers to products and services sold online across the EU (including music or films);

an easier way to buy and pay for products online;

more efficient and affordable delivery of products across Europe;

more transparency on operators and prices on the internet;

high speed internet and better communication infrastructure for more citizens;

[!!!]better information and protection against abuses on the internet.

The initiatives complement existing legislation on e-commerce in Europe, in particular the E-commerce Directive. [!!!]One of the actions to be announced is an initiative on procedures for "notifying-and-action" on illegal content which in particular should contribute to combating online illegality and enhancing legal certainty for online intermediaries.

The background:
The E-commerce Directive, adopted in 2000, sets up an Internal Market framework for electronic commerce, which provides legal certainty for business and consumers alike. It establishes harmonised rules on issues such as the transparency and information requirements for online service providers, commercial communications, electronic contracts and limitations of liability of intermediary service providers.

Examples of services covered by the Directive include online information services (such as online newspapers), online selling of products and services (books, financial services and travel services), online advertising, professional services (lawyers, doctors, estate agents), entertainment services and basic intermediary services (access to the Internet and transmission and hosting of information).

The event:

Press conference by Vice-President Kroes, Commissioner Barnier and Commissioner Dalli at in Berlaymont press room (time to be confirmed).

Press material will be available on the day.

The sources:
Vice-Président Kroes' web site:

Commissioner Barnier's web site:

Commissioner John Dalli's web site:

Commission's web site:

The contacts:
Chantal Hughes: +32 2 296 44 50

Carmel Dunne: +32 2 299 88 94

Ryan Heath +32 2 296 17 16

Linda Cain +32 2 299 90 19

Frédéric Vincent +32 2 298 71 66

Aikaterini Apostola +32 2 298 76 24