Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo


/ #380 A-ha, please share your last hurrah with us!!

2010-11-02 23:02

Please do transmit the final show in Oslo on 4th December via Internet so that all the millions of fans all over the world can join to see and listen to a-ha for a last time to say goodbye! A-ha has always been and will always be my favorite 80s' band since I was eleven years old in 1985, they were part of my youth as they were for probably most of their fans. I was so happy to be at their concert in Nuremberg on 21th October and I will never ever forget these two hours although they were very sentimental both for the audience and the band. Morten's still looking so cute and his wonderful and unique voice will always remain something special! We would be so glad about a livestream as the ending of a-ha is sad enough, and we will most probably never get the chance to see them live again. Millions of fans could be made the happiest in the world that night, so please make this a unique goodbye as a-ha has always been over 25 years!!!!!!