Help get permission for Conrad to own a therapy dog in Bellamont Gardens

Quoted post



2014-07-21 17:46

A therapy dog is a very expense, highly trained member of the team needed ro address the complicated therapeutic needs of an autistic child. Therapy dog are not unattended pets running around in a complex barking, and scratching through rubbish bins. South African society seems to be mostly ignorant on the utilisation of therapy dogs to assist people with disabilities and chronic diseases. I suggest that an information dvd on autism be shown to the ignorant Body Corporate; otherwise have them take care of an autstic child for a day to come to their senses. The best of luck with this extremely worthy and valid cause!



#62 Re:

2014-07-31 06:51:58

#57: -

The Body Corporate is NOT ignorant.  Just because it is a therapy dog none of you have taken into consideration that the dog she wants is a labrador and will be confined to a very, very small garden.  Is this fair - I think that is incredibly cruel.  She is a tenant she has NO RIGHTS.