Petition to Fedeen from the EK players

Quoted post



2015-11-30 20:35

New cards are being custom built for specific events, primarily DI. It becomes all to clear when these come out that they are being released apecifically for this reason, and knowing that we will see this, will likely do whatever we can to obtain these. Those who are f2p and limited gemmers spent a long time just getting decks set up to be able to compete and level up, then 5* versions are released on top of them...what a bunch of bs. You made the first few readily available, like the butcher, malevolent dryad, and blackfire assassin. But what about the others? I understand that you are catering to the aspect of the game that is the most prevalent, but that just means you are looking at the $$ rather then what we the players want.

The advent of the evolution system i feel was the beginning of the end in a way. There were already to few ways to get 5* cards without a ton of luck and a ton of time, or a ton of gems. Now we're expected to sacrifice those hard earned cards to make one card better. Things worked initially because everyone who had played for awhile had cards stocked up...but any new card that came out...only the top spenders were able to take advantage. 

Its my belief that any format that utilizes an evolution system needs a trade/gift system so that players who miss out on a card or didnt have enough gems to aquire enough to fully evo one, have an outlet to barter with another player within the game to get what they need, and possibly give that player something that they need as well. Its a format that works extremely well in many many games and should be seriously considered. But only AFTER the server move and AFTER you have resolved the security issues with your coding that allowed the serenity disaster.



#25 Re:

2015-12-01 22:18:41

#22: -  

 Way to easy to abuse this.  Players will be creating all sorts of alt accounts to get cards and trade to their main account