Quoted post


#60 u disrespect mah grandaddy

2012-11-13 23:59

We are not Hasbro. We are the 20+ million fans of Transformers. do your homework. Seriously, this is the year 2012, not 1975. I'm black and I say your petition and claims are pure racists. The Transformers franchise and the name Thundercracker, is NOT referring to us black folk. It refers to the sonic boom a fighter jet breaks the sound barrier. It was coined by Air Force men and woman in the late 1960's when supersonic jets were just being invinted. If you have a problem with that, then you are disrespecting great, granddad and all the men and women who fought and died in the Vietnam and Korean wars as the pilots who coined this phrase. THAT there is absolutely rude. Go back to church, ask for forgiveness and take down this petition. For my grandaddy, WHO WAS BLACK, TOO, LIKE ME!

Thunder = the sound of thunder, which is what a sonic boom sounds like

Cracker = a loud snap sound and/or a thin crisp bread-like wafer, thing.

Do. Yo. Homework!


White Fox

#322 Re: u disrespect mah grandaddy

2015-04-17 15:40:03

#60: Shaniqua - u disrespect mah grandaddy 

 All my respect goes to this person, you just restored my faith in humanity