Stop US involvement in Venezuela 2019

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YEAH!! 6 signatures!! We got a long way to go but its a great start. THANK YOU!! ;-)

2019-02-12 03:33:06

YEAH!! 6 signatures!! We got a long way to go but its a great start. THANK YOU!! ;-)

Hi all... Thank you so much to those who have shown support thus far. I am so glad to see there are people awakened enough to see history repeating itself. We do not need another war to further the agenda of the ruling elite. We have a lot more work to do, but if it takes baby steps then I am willing to take them are you? 

Please forward this petition to all you know. I will do my best to provide the most accurate details and facts to back up this petition. As you all are probably aware, it is not always easy to gather factual details in this very confusing day and age. If you discover more relivant info or see something that I claim to be inacurate please report it to me immediately with your back up and I will be happy to make corrections. It is not my intention to make any false claims or bring forth misinformation. 

Warmest regards to all!! 

Angela Gholar

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