Save Our 5.30pm Kendal to Lancaster Train

Contact the author of the petition

We've won! For now...

2014-02-05 10:56:25

First TransPennine Express Trains have just posted this on our Save Our Kendal to Lancaster 5.30pm Train's facebook page: "We'd like to provide our customers with this update...

We are delighted that, from Monday 10th February, we will continue to operate a connecting evening peak time service from Windermere to Lancaster and Manchester Airport.

We have, as we always do, previously undertaken consultation with various local stakeholders regarding the timetable change. Through these official consultations, no train specific objections were raised.

We do however recognise the constructive feedback received from customers on some of the proposed timing alterations and it is with this in mind that we were able to reassess the timetable changes.

Constructive customer feedback has been fundamental in the process and we want to extend our thanks to all who contacted us and offered their thoughts on the changes.

Therefore, from Monday 10th February, we will be operating a service from Windermere that will depart at 1706; this will arrive into Oxenholme at 1725 and allow for forward connections to Lancaster and Manchester Airport on a 1730* departure.

We want to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their patience, understanding and input and we hope to continue to offer a valued train service for the local communities we serve.

With kind regards,

Chris Nutton
Programme Director, First TransPennine Express"

So we'd like to say thank you very much to everyone that took the time to sign this petition - for now we seem to have won!

However, we have been told that this timetable change is only scheduled to run until May, so we'll need to keep the pressure up to make sure they continue to run a train then after that.

Thanks again for all your support - we couldn't have done it without you!

D Groundsell

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