The V4 states were instructed to mutually acknowledge qualifications of graduate students.




The V4 states were instructed to mutually acknowledge qualifications of graduate students.




There are still serious problems in the free flow of workers, which is one of the European Union’s most basic values, since the principle of the reciprocal acknowledgement of diplomas and certificates is not universally applied in the member states.




The Visegrád Four, with their Christian roots, are connected with an immense historical past, which should continue to be nurtured.




What is the difference between the knowledge of a Hungarian engineer, and that of a Czech, Polish or Slovak engineer?




In my opinion, there is no difference, since there are excellent Hungarian professors, who all strive – independent of their nationality and citizenship – to pass on their best knowledge to the new generation.




The certificates and diplomas awarded by colleges and universities, which are maintained by state grants, local governments, religious institutions and foundations, in the Visegrád States, are very expensive. The 44 year-old Esztergom resident, and Doctor of Pedagogy, László Szilas, petitions for the lifting of the requirements of the very complicated acceptance procedures and the mutual acknowledgement of these certificates and diplomas.




The Governments of the Visegrád states should initiate that, in all 28 nations that are included in the Lisbon Treaty, the mutual acknowledgement of their school qualifications should be accepted. Educational institutions outside our borders gladly accept our students. For example, Hungarian students are also studying at the Felsőőr Croatian-Magyar Gymnasium (High School).




A V4 level agreement would benefit our college and university students alike and, at the same time, this would also signal the friendly cooperation between the four neighbouring countries.




This petition was sent not only to the government leaders of the Visegrád Four, but also to a wide range of public officials and the media. Many of the addressees have already replied positively to this initiative.




Among the supporters we find: Government Minister, János Fónagy; Ákos Kriza, Mayor of the city of Miskolc; Katalin Pitti, merited artist, honored with the Liszt Prize and Tamás Sneider, Vice-President of the Hungarian Congress.




Slovakia assured its support, among others Pál Csáky, Member of the European Parliament; Iván Farkas, Vice-President of the Magyar Közösség (Hungarian Community) Party; László Fazekas, the Bishop of the Reformed Christian Church of Slovakia; Helena Mezenská, representative of the Movement of Ordinary People and Independent Persons (OLaNO); Professor Josef Jarab, the Vice-President of the Slovak Accreditation Board; from Czechoslovakia, Nina Nováková, Member of the Czech Parliament; Pál Lelovics Vice-President of the Magyar Polgári Egyesület (Hungarian Citizens’ Association) of Brünn; István György Palágyi, President of the Artúr Görgey Society in Prague.
























PaedDr. Szilas László    Contact the author of the petition