Americans Against South Dakota HB 1171

To whom it may concern,

We, the undersigned, are very concerned about the possibility of HB 1171 becoming law in the state of South Dakota. Homicide is a crime and should never be justifiable. It is the job of the government and the courts to ensure that the public knows that. However, this bill threatens to change that fact. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and it is not our goal to pressure the representatives and senators of the citizens of South Dakota to change their beliefs. However, we firmly believe that this bill threatens the inalianable right to life. There are cases in which a woman cannot survive if she refuses to abort her pregnancy, and health care providers have an obligation first and foremost to their patient. They are required by the oath that they take upon their induction into the healthcare proffession to do all they can to help their patient. What kind of message would it send to health care professionals if they knew that following their oath could cost them their life? The legislators of South Dakota must listen to their constituents and fellow countrymen and not pass this bill.