Clinton County Commissioner Skip Evans against Tina Cottrell

I sign this petition acknowledging that I believe Clinton County Commissioner George "Skip" Evans' vote in the 2-1 voting of firing Tina Cottrell from Clinton County Parkview Home should not have counted. I believe that due to the ongoing lawsuit filed by Ms. Cottrell against Mr. Evans his vote is a conflict of interest. I am signing this petition as a Clinton County resident in the state of Indiana who does not agree.


*Please sign this petition only if you live within Clinton County limits. To make this petition count we need the residents in Clinton County to voice their concerns. Please make sure to include your telephone number in case it's needed for a reference. Thank you very much for your support.*


**If you see anything on this site asking for donations please know that we DO NOT ask for donations of any kind. We ask for signatures. If you see anything asking for donations please ignore it.**