EPRDF/TPLF should stop exclusive policies and practices inTigray

EPRDF/TPLF should stop exclusive policies and practices in Tigray


EPRDF/TPLF has continued to exclude Tigray from all economic, developmental and security policies and practices systematicaly and on purpose. Even though Tigray needs a very serious and special compensation for such degrading wars and political destructions made for centuries, this ruling party/state has made this region the worst scenarion in Ethiopia. For instance, Tigray is in no war no peace scenario for the last 17 years. This doesn't affect the central part of the country and the federal governemnt doesn't care at all.  Tigray is the first in huge and massive forced migration of the youth secondary to Eritrea. It is the region whereby there is no developmental invetiments especially from privates enterprises and investors for this no peace no war practices and other reasons which are best known to the exclusive policies and startegies of the TPLF/EPRDF. Tigray is also best known with large number of unemployement and poor governance with serious of complicated and  corrupted power abuses. There is huge violation of fundamnetal needs and there is no voice for such degarading and inhuman acts in the region. Currently, The prime minister of EPRDF has made it clear that there willl not be a trian rails construction even though it was planned. The reasons he provided are illogical and irrelevant but highly exclusive and systematicaly agreed with EPLF/TPLF hidden elements to impoversih Tigray community and maintain its hunger for power for centuries to come with no contribution to the fundamental needs of the Tigray Community. 


 EPRDF HAS CONCENTRATED TO DEVELOP AND EXPAND Addis Ababa only. This makes it very paradoxical as it was not Addis Ababa that dismssed the fascit derge regime in Ethiopia. It was not Addis Ababa that provided shelter, drinks, and food to the TPLF fighters of that period. It was not Addis Ababa the center of war genocides and degrading, horific and inhuman bombardments even for innocent civilians.


Therefore, OTNAA strongly condemns such political mischiefs and developmental exclusive policies from Addis Ababa. It has to be underlined that  such irrelevant and systematically exclusive policies should be corrected with no time. Otherwise, OTNAA would like to inform the EPRDF/TPLF administrartion that such irrelevant and exclusive policies would lead to a very dangerous scenario in the country and beyond.  It would be very consious and matured context to consider such exclusive practices and policies with no hestitation and with no time and adapt them accordingly.




OTNAA warns EPRDF/TPLF elements to take this message seriously and act accordingly. Otherwise, struggle will flourish as usual and let's see what  would be the reply to your deaf ear strategy and exclusive policy in Tigray.




Tigray Development and Security Matters!!


No inch of doubt that it would be attained by its youth right away in the nearest possible time!!




OTNAA-Global Secretariat Coordination Office-Geneva International.