Fight for wrongfully convicted in Norway!

Want to join in the struggle for a Better Judiciary in Norway? Then you have to read a little bit about what we are dealing with, feel free to join us for Better Legal protection of our country!

It is found in cases like Murder, Financial Fraud, Abuse, Rape etc so we all can be suspected to, prosecuted and sentenced unless we get strict requirements for presentation of evidence before conviction ! Guilty - THEN found not guilty.

After Fritz Moen now is acquitted of both murder he was wrongly convicted of, I would say something about another category of false imprisonment committed in Norway. It is the 28 persons (including two stepfathers and an uncle) that in 25 cases in the years 1988-1997 were found guilty of incest and They been received from four months to six years in prison and got all their lives thoroughly destroyed.since have had their cases reopened and Want to join in the struggle for a Better Judiciary in Norway?

Those 28 is a monstrous figures. It involves a breakdown of our justice communities, a total failure of the rule of law. That this has been possible, should imply a scandal and an engagement, which would far surpass the very legitimate indignation in Moen's case. Yet the 28 just the tip of the iceberg. The conditions for readmission are very strict, and case law has been restriktiv.Many have tried in vain to get their cases reopened, and a much larger number have resigned because the main requirement for resumption is that it acquired a new and compelling evidence. This will usually not be possible.

Google translatione :-)



Line-Katrine,Naley.    Contact the author of the petition