Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا.



2015-09-30 19:35

macca disaster



2015-09-30 19:35

To: Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Headquarters

To the honorable United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

Your Excellency,

We are writing this to you in the name of thousands of pilgrims in Mecca who lost their lives on Hajj rituals.

We, the Iranians, from different social section including; artists, veterans, educators, students and athletes declare our sympathy and support to survivors of Hajj stampede. This disaster happened on the biggest annual Islamic event in Mecca and therefore; it merit attentiveness and observations.

Consequently, we would request your immediate attention on this specific matter with the hope that by your scrutiny and assistance such tragedies would not occur any more in the future.

Undoubtedly, immediate attention to this matter is the least it could be done in accordance of the value of humanity beings lives and security from the United Nations, concerning the motto of this year's International Day of Peace motto by the United Nations "Partnership for Peace, Dignity for All".

We hope such disasters won't happen again for the human beings regardless their race, nationality, religion and beliefs.



2015-09-30 19:35

To make punishment for K.S.A



2015-09-30 19:35

مقصران حادثه منا به اشد مجازات محکوم گردند.
دولت و ملت عربستان از ملت های مجروح عذرخواهی نمایند.
و مسئولیت برگزاری مراسم حج را گروهی از ملت های مسلمان برعهده بگیرند.
Mena real culprits are severely punished.
Government and people of Saudi Arabia apologized to a wounded nation.
And the responsibility of organizing the Hajj to take a group of Muslim nations.



2015-09-30 19:35

We had verey sad for Arab solder.we had petition and we want law Islamic people.



2015-09-30 19:35

خود را بگذار جای کسانی که پاره تن خود را با خنده روانه حج کرده اند و اکنون با چشمان خشک شده از بهت؛ چشم انتظار بوی پیراهن یوسف شان هستند تا شاید اشکشان جاری شود قبل از آنکه جگرشان تکه تکه گردد. قلب من داغدیده آرام که نمیگیرد لااقل مرهمی باش اندوهم را.



2015-09-30 19:35

#wish worldwide peace forever



2015-09-30 19:35

لطفا به این جنایت رسیدگی کنید



2015-09-30 19:35

In respect of human rights



2015-09-30 19:35

The death of people in the Hajj and did not handle it very suspicious. Lack of attention to this issue undermines humanity.



2015-09-30 19:35

Because we want peace & this accide is so bad


2015-09-30 19:35

من در غم واندوه حجاج امسال كه در سرزمين وحى مظلومانه همچون شهداى كربلا تشنه جان دادن وانها كه مصدوم شدند ، عزيزانى كه بدون همسفرشان برگشتندوضربات روحى فراوانى بر انها وارد شد شريكم ،وعزيزانى كه مفقود هستنداميدوارم هر چه زودتر از انها با خبر شويم، ازشما اقاى بان كى مون درخواست داريم جوياى علل وعوامل اين فاجعه باشيد تا مسببين اين جنايت عظيم به سزاى كوته فكرى،بى درايتى،ونادانى خود برسند.



2015-09-30 19:35

من خواستار پیگری سازمان ملل هستم



2015-09-30 19:35

خواهشمندیم که در دفاع از حق مسلم تضییع شده ان زایرین مظلوم تمام توان خود را به عنوان مهمترین فرد حقوقی وبین المللی درزمینه حقوق بشردرجهت پیگیری این فاجعه تلخ ومجازات رساندن مقصرین که قطع به یقین تعمدی بوده به کاربسته وموجبات شادی ومرهم گذاردن برزخم دل بازماندگان وملت داغدارایران وکلیه کشورهای مسلمان را فراهم اورید.


#7015 Re: #Haj4all

2015-09-30 19:35



2015-09-30 19:35

با سلام
آقای بانکیمو ازتون خواهش میکنم رسیدگی کنید



2015-09-30 19:35

مظلوم بی پناه مردند
رسیدگی کنید



2015-09-30 19:35

Please Do not disregard to mecca disaster.. There were humans .. Its not fair



2015-09-30 19:35

Because i am iranian.



2015-09-30 19:35

To: Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Headquarters

To the honorable United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

Your Excellency,

We are writing this to you in the name of thousands of pilgrims in Mecca who lost their lives on Hajj rituals.

We, the Iranians, from different social section including; artists, veterans, educators, students and athletes declare our sympathy and support to survivors of Hajj stampede. This disaster happened on the biggest annual Islamic event in Mecca and therefore; it merit attentiveness and observations.

Consequently, we would request your immediate attention on this specific matter with the hope that by your scrutiny and assistance such tragedies would not occur any more in the future.

Undoubtedly, immediate attention to this matter is the least it could be done in accordance of the value of humanity beings lives and security from the United Nations, concerning the motto of this year's International Day of Peace motto by the United Nations "Partnership for Peace, Dignity for All".

We hope such disasters won't happen again for the human beings regardless their race, nationality, religion and beliefs.

Sincerely yours,



2015-09-30 19:35

Down with Saudia arabia



2015-09-30 19:35

I sign for peace and justice



2015-09-30 19:35

please help human



2015-09-30 19:35

خواستار رسیدگی قاطعانه از حقوق و حرمت هموطنانمون هستیم



2015-09-30 19:35

Inocent haji s from 20countries for a careless agresisive arab family!!!