نداء إلى الاتحاد الأوربي لحماية الشعب السوري



2011-05-20 07:39

World Democracy is world peace.



2011-05-20 20:57

ساعدونا أرجوكم نحن نطلب الحرية وهم يقتلوننا
ويحاصرون حياتنا اليومية نحن ننتظر من بلادكم (بلاد الحريات) مساعدتنا



2011-05-21 15:58

je demande libréte en syrie



2011-05-22 22:07

لا نريد تدخلا أجنبيا الشعب قادر على تقدير مصيره بنفسه والحرية المستوردة هي قيود لعبودية جديدة



2011-05-23 17:46

الرجاء المساعدة لوقف المجازر في سورية وقتل الاطفال والمقابر الجماعية



2011-05-24 14:28

ماذا ينتظر العرب والعالم
قتل للمدنيين بالآلاف وقتل للمشييعين أيضا , دباباب في المدن تقصف وتروع الآمنين
محاصرة البلدات ومنع وصول الامدادات الضرورية للأطفال والسكان
معتقلين بعشرات الألوف لاأحد يستطيع التواصل معهم ولا يسمع الا عن تعذيبهم
منع لوسائل الاعلام وحقوق الانسان من تقصي الأمور
اعلامه كاذب مفضوح
ماذا ينتظر العالم بعد ذلك



2011-05-24 20:18

الله اكبر على كل من طغى وتجبر ارجوكم انقذو اهلنا في سوريا



2011-05-24 21:25

save our child's
save our future even the past passed



2011-05-25 01:30

Judgment day is coming to the butcher of Damascus, we in Beirut have not forgotten his Father's atrocities, "may he rot in Hell", bass Allah kbeer yalla 7abel el mashnakka is getting closer ya Bashar w ya Maher...



2011-05-25 01:40

Our Dear Syrian Brothers and Sisters,
It is now or never to be free of the Assad family, we know his father, and as we say like father like son, my message to you is be strong and continue, or you will remain slaves to this murderer.



2011-05-26 00:52

save the syrian people save us bashar is a killer



2011-05-26 00:57

stop Bashar the killer we need your help النظام السوري نظام إرهابي طائفي لا يكتفي بقتل المتظاهرين بل يقتل من يشاركون في تشييع القتلى والضحايا، وذلك النظام لا يختلف عن الأنظمة



2011-05-26 05:25

bashar alasad is very dangers and faking and faker



2011-05-27 11:28

Please help the Syrian people from the murderer family "ASAD"

#65 لابارك الله بمن يدعو لتدخل غربي

2011-05-27 16:58

لاخير فيكم ابدا ..لا خير فيمن يدعي الغرب لحل مشاكله ..ولدي ثقة ان التعليقات ليست لمواطنين سورييين ..لابارك الله بكم .. وحتى لو قتل النظام اخي وهو لم يفعل ولن يفعل ، لما لجأت للغرب لمساعدتي ..عاشت سوريا حرة مستقلة

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2011-05-27 17:05



2011-05-27 18:22

For the regime in Syria,Please stop killing



2011-05-27 23:46

this petition should be translated into English and spread out at international level to enable civil organizations pressure their governments to adapt the petition



2011-05-28 11:22

The Syrian people are being killed and detention is in need of assistance



2011-05-29 01:38




2011-05-29 04:54

see what they done to hamzah 13years old please help the children



2011-05-30 10:34

to all honests of this world .to European Union .listen to oue voices ,we are being killed as if we aren't syrians .bashar and his animals are attacking us using different guns.people are either killed or arrested and tourted by crinimal ways.
Voice of freedom

#73 Guest

2011-05-30 23:07

What "the world, United Nation, People right" is waiting for to stop killing and arrested people in Syria and some of them are kids and women?
It is not written by any law that the president of any country would use his army and the secret police to terrorize his own people including women and kids and young boys or any peaceful demonstrator. Killing people is crime regardless of the excused used on their Syrian public TV.
This is not new for Syrian regime for the past 40 years they butchered the costitution and any voice of freedom.
They turned the country into torture chamber and they got away with it. But now it is time to stop the madness
Steeling a dollar is against the law but steeling $40 Billion and killing thousands of people it is not a crime in their eyes.
Please help the people and remove the criminals by any way.

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2011-05-31 11:15



2011-06-01 01:00

Liberty nothing new , it is our right .