
/ #9 again

2011-03-30 04:15

The point is not who what when where why it will happen again.The fact is that he left her face down with no regard for her life. She did not have the chance to overcome it. Sometimes you need to hit rock bottom and maybe if he had taken her to the hospital rather than leave her she would have the chance for recovery and realization in her life as you did. Instead she was thrown aside like someones trash and left out there for a month. What kind of sick bastard can do this to someone elses child. Who made him God? Once again the only person who can do this such act is someone who does not care about others, someone who does not value life and morality, someone who is going to lose years with his own daughter because of his action. Who is someone that does not care for others. A Drug Dealer. Once again she is at fault to for doing this but she did nothing to deserve being thrown aside. Neither did her family. The punishment for this person should be life no way of getting eye for an eye...........he fed her addiction and took her life in his own hands and now he should pay........