Námsmenn af fullri alvöru - Gegn niðurskurði fjárframlaga til LÍN


/ #6 ...

2013-06-27 16:08

One should remember it's a loan, not a grant like Erasmus nor a scholarship and it carries its responsibilities. If one is all happy to get the loan for the whole 60 ectc but is too lazy to complete them, it's their fault. And if they don't wanna live in stress of possibly being not able to pay it off in case of failing a course- don't risk it and don't take the loan. And if one is assured that they can only handle 20 ectc per semester, instead of 30, oh well, then just apply for a loan for 20 ectc. Not a biggie. Or a get a job AND a loan. Some do it and pass everything with excellent grades. Just be hard working and focused and you won't end up in bullshit. Petitions like these are just dumb, and the excuse of being stressed before the exams just because of the loan, not because of an actual academic failure- purely pathetic.