Námsmenn af fullri alvöru - Gegn niðurskurði fjárframlaga til LÍN


/ #16 Re: ...

2013-06-27 18:00

#6: x - ...

Well, what we are actually opposing is the fact that one can no longer apply for a loan for only 20 ects (or 18 as it was before). One can only apply for a loan of 22 ects and up which is problematic since it is very hard and even impossible to match that requirement with the courses available in Icelandic Universities. 
Many Icelandic students, maybe even most Icelandic students that take loans, work as well since the loans are very scarse. Let me assure you, this is not about people being lazy. What about students that have children and people that have learning disabilities, physical disabilities that prevent them from taking a full semester? Getting sick happens to the best of us and sometimes our relatives get sick and we have to care for them.

The system as it is now has no room for exceptions.
People should be allowed to learn and study at their own speed. If you are forced to study at a speed you can't handle, you won't learn as well. 
So.  Do we want everybody to learn, or do we just want them to graduate as fast as they can.
A degree is not an education.

Best regards
Anna Marsibil Clausen
SHI International Communications Officer