Hands Off Hartlebury Common

steve mccarron
The author of this petition

/ #34 Re:

2011-06-09 19:46

#33: Guest -

The 38 year "management" has been unobstrusive and so we have the enviroment we have today.

However, I am told, by people like you that it has not been managed for 100 yrs.

Its abundance or lack of trees  has not been an impediment to it's status as a SSSI before and should not be now. (First recognised in 1955 and reafirmed in 1986)

You are steadfastly refusing to acknowlege that the trees have failed to take over the common as you describe and if you where really interested in conservation, then you would support the previous level of intervention.

"One of the only inland sand dune/heathland areas in the country" or "One of a few or one of many inland sand dune/heathland areas in the country"?

It does not matter what you were trying to say but to say that this habitat is so unique and  then say

"There are sooo many species that will be lost if the heathland isn't managed & maintained"

is misleading to say the least. These species are not unique to the common but live in abundance elsewhere, where so called conservationists cannot or do not venture. The trouble is, the common is being marketed in the way you describe and is being turned into a wildlife theme park.

I cannott be bothered to go into detail regarding the pine tree plantation, I can't work out if you are being deliberatley provocative or if you are stupid.

Bio diversity and interdependancy are alive and well  but to transorm this site as is planned beggars belief. I have 25 years experience in conservation and restoration. The common should be CONSERVED as it is and not RESTORED to an imagined image.

Do me a favour, try thinking out of the box, stop quoting by rote and do not insult peoples intelligence with this witless

and gutless flannel in our space.

Over the years I have had to pick up the peices left by people expressing your sort of opinions and try to put them back together