The ban on fox flushing and terrier work


/ #3

2015-05-01 11:28

The sadistically cruel behaviour of certain individuals needs to be stopped, hunting is bad enough but to dig out these poor terrified animals is horrific, unfortunately this (current!) government supports all parts of fox hunting even though it is illegal, the police also side with the hunters (Tories) so the foxes, along with many of our other wild animals are suffering and dying for the sheer enjoyment of these vile people. We need much stronger animal welfare laws in this country, we need a government who cares and we need a police force who don't aide and abet these criminals. I am not a fan of Labour but at the age of 52 I will be voting for them for the first time in my life and hope that enough of the UK do too. We condemn other countries for their terrible record of animal abuse but with the hunting and culling that goes on in and off our shores the UK's record is shamefully poor. The foxes and us as a society need the ban.