Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu)

Quoted post


#16 Re: Re:

2014-03-28 06:58

#15: Enough - Re:  

So we are going to do this with a piece of paper? And bad comments? Maybe we should start to turn our focus on the mine bosses and shareholders because they clearly dont want this strike to stop.... Think back on all the other strikes they participated now they are sitting it out they clearly have a plan and a way to make us all turn on each other. I dont agree with the strikers at all I also suffer because of all of this my family does but this is not helping at all.  Just wondering how we are going to see ourselves after this bad mouthing and criticizing of each other.....



#419 Vanessa Joubert

2014-04-11 08:05:59

T#16: - Re: Re: The really sad thing is the people who have started all these strikes are still getting paid and dont have any problem with there flashie cars and houses. But the poor workers that are losing houses, cars, jobs, businesses. are effected can we not stand together and sue AMCU for all our losses. Something has to be done they are distroying our Country and are so narrow minded they dont see it. If they cared for all there members they would ensure they are not on the losing end.