Sayın Valı Dr. Altıparmak

Faks : 0242.248 93 95


There are a high and rising number of home break-ins and thefts in Kalkan. This is damaging tourism and the local economy.  Kalkan is quickly developing an international reputation for theft and burglary.  It is having  a negative impact on the  image of Turkey as a safe and desirable destination for holiday makers.  The Kalkan Jandarma are doing a good job trying to apprehend criminals, but they are hampered by lack of manpower and the complete absence of CCTV cameras .

The summer population of Kalkan in July and August rises to more than 10,000 people, of which approximately 7,000 are tourists.  On July 26 the Chief of the Kaş Jandarma called a meeting for Kalkan residents and home owners to discuss the security situation.  Briefly, we were told:

  • The Jandarma supports our request for funds to install a CCTV camera system in Kalkan, as exists in Kas.  Such a system would greatly benefit the work of the Jandarma and would enable them to not only apprehend more thieves but also get more convictions of those who have stolen private property.
  • The Jandarma applied for funds to install CCTV to help them identify and arrest thieves but funds were not given.
  • Kalkan is the only town along this coast that does NOT have a CCTV camera system.  Kaş, Denizli, Bodrum, Kemer and Antalya all have CCTV camera systems, we were told.
  • Many of the thieves caught by the Kalkan Jandarma have been let go by the Kaş judges because of insufficient evidence of theft.  The Kaş Jandarma chief told us that the judge wants a photo of the thief taken by a security camera.  This requires a CCTV camera system.
  • Kalkan is an easy target for theft. With no TV cameras and inadequate Jandarma to patrol, thieves can come and go quite easily. Therefore, the number of home burglaries of both Turkish and foreign-owned properties has risen dramatically.

As you know, the internet reaches a global audience very quickly.   Thefts in Kalkan villas become news outside of Turkey very quickly.  Bad news spreads like fire. The news that Kalkan is a haven for thieves is picked up, repeated, printed in newspapers and talked about by potential future tourists.

On behalf of the people of Kalkan and to support the Jandarma we request that the Governor petition Ankara for funds to be made available for public CCTV to be installed this year in advance of the next tourist season.

Thank you very much for your time, interest and help in resolving this matter.



Cc:         Kaş Kaymakam , Selami Kapankaya                                                    Kalkan Başkan, Saim Karakurt Fax: 0242 844 30 36
Faks: (0242) 836 13 33