Give Zynga Customer Support back to non-VIP players

Fellow Mafia Wars Players.

Throughout the time, people have had access to Zynga Customer Support, but those days are over. Well, at least for the ones that don't have VIP.

Before VIP came, everyone playing the game had access to the support. When VIP came out, it was slowly taken away from those without it. At first it was only the livechat, but after a little while it was also the option to email them.

Now there's no way for those without VIP to get in contact with Zynga Customer Support. What they can do, is write on the supportsite, which more than likely NEVER will be seen by anyone from Zynga.

By signing this petition, we hope the email option will be returned to the non-VIP players, so please sign to support this case. It dosnt matter if you are a VIP player or not. Every signature counts. so help those who needs it.

Thank you.


Mafia Wars Unified Global Players    Contact the author of the petition