Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

As a direct result of becoming a guidedog owner Molly was forced into isolation with her guidedog or to be without her guidedog and risk her own safety to be a part of school life.
Mary Hare School for the Deaf placed discriminatory sanctions upon her because there is another pupil with an apparent allergy to dogs, this has not been supported and continues to be unsupported by an up to date medical certificate.
The achool's actions have forced Molly into depression, have taken her confidence and have resulted in her being forced out of school - her doctor is outrage and very concerned about Molly's health and has advised she should not return.
Mary Hare School for the Deaf has deprived Molly of her A level studies - help us get justice for Molly, by signing this petition.
The full story can be read at www.mollywatt.com