Lövuddens beach and surroundings

Save the beach, green areas and the bath at Lövudden

If the plans regarding building the new harbour takes place the risk is overwelming the the water quality will be so bad that bathing and recreation will be forbidden, since the harbour is placed directly across the beach no natural waterflow will occur.

Sign this petition to get the responsibillity back to the politicians and get an election in the matter.

We want to preserv the recreational area within Lövudden for more family barbecues, more weddings in tha outdoor church and to continue KFUM´s work with young people during the summers.


- KFUM has never been invited to discuss the plans before the city made a decision (unleagal)!

- The construction of the harbour (as it is planned) is against the contract that was made when the land was bought!


For more information contact Thomas Björklund, vice chairman KFUM, 070- 744 86 03