Make Pharmaceuticals with Death as a Side Effect Illegal!

To give a drug to a patient with the knowledge that it can cause that patient to die; whether from cancer, heart complications, or suicide; is a direct violation of the Hypocratic Oath every doctor takes to obtain their license to practice medicine... My father, the late Charles J Matteliano, suffered from depression all his life and was prescribed antidepressants, and following a knee surgery was prescribed pain killers. I truly believe that a man who loved his life and his family as much as he did, could not and would not have left us if it weren't for a dangerous cocktail of pharmaceutical drugs prescribed and approved by "doctors".  Please join my cause to encourage this country to make strides in weakening the pharmaceutical corporations and the doctors that help them to continue to make money off of people like my dad, who gave his life trying to escape depression.  I will never have my father back, but I will fight tooth and nail to have justice served in his honor. No more will i stand by while the people responsible for his ultimate suicide at 52, don't lose a moment of sleep knowing what pain and suffering they have caused for families just like mine. Help me to get the message out about the terminal effects of prescribing drugs that not only don't relieve the symptoms of the illness they claim, but blatantly have the opposite effect. When does the cost outweigh the benefit?  The science community has studies that prove that these drugs do not work and often cause more suffering than the ailment you were experiencing in the first place. If we stand together, the untimely death of my father and so many others like him, does not have to be in vain. Stop this unethical behvior. Sign this petition, and contact your state representatives today, and don't stop until justice is served. There are other ways to treat depression, just not any that make the pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars a year.

Angelina Matteliano    Contact the author of the petition