Mother Son Dance for Hastings Community

I love that we have a Daddy Daughter Dance for all the Dad's and daughters in Hastings through our Hastings Community Education program.

Well for years I have been wanting and wishing they had a Mother Son Dance so us Mom's and sons can attend the dance and make memories for years to come!  

I asked awhile back about it and they said that they used to have one and it wasn't well attended.  The last time there was one it was in 2012 according to others who were able to attend it.

Well I think if we tried to have another one they would realize that it would have a great turnout and be very successful.  It would benefit the community like the Daddy Daughter Dance does.  

So I'm starting this petition to bring down to them to show how many mom's would love to bring their son's to a dance.  I know a lot of people who only have son's in their family so it would be really nice for those families.  

So please sign this petition and forward it to everyone you know who would be willing to help support this in our community and bring it back!!  I want to see this happen before my son is to old to attend one!!  The grow up so fast so we need to have this start sooner than later.

Thanks for helping out w/ this matter.  I hope it will show them that our community wants to have this dance back!