Pumptrack_Parpan_13.jpgIMG_4557.JPGp5pb11743454.jpgpump_large3.gifPumptrack_Segnes_Chur_52.jpgHelp us persuade the Tauranga City Council to allow us use of land in the new ARATAKI RESERVE on HUIA STREET to create a playspace in the form of a MOUNT PUMP TRACK that will be a sealed all weather multi purpose facility catering to BMXers, Mountain Bikers, Skateboarders, Scooters and be suitable for use by kids from 3 years to young minded 68 year olds.

With Mount Maunganui's growing population we need somewhere like this for kids to play outdoors away from ipads and devices.

The kids are keen to ride but they arent allowed to ride on the footpaths, the roads are unsafe, and the parks are flat and boring once you are past the very basic riding level. This will give them a safe fun place to play and extend their skills and confidence.

Paul Wacker - Mount Pump Track Society    Contact the author of the petition