Protect Berger Forest

Berger Forest (Bergerskogen) is a most important nature and recreation area
at Nesodden, near Oslo, Norway, which is highly threatened by development. 

The forest is registered as important for preserving biodiversity, and in recent years, large parts are mapped as important habitats and several redlisted species have been recorded. Surveys also show that very important habitats are still not registered and mapped. Development plans have caused concern among both people and environmental authorities. Berger Forest is unique, with oak and linden forest, swamp forest, old spruce forest, pine, black alder, ash,  elm and more. There are also spring water, marshes and creeks. Virtually all Norwegian wood species are represented, and the forest is registered as an important wildlife area, which includes a persistent roe deer family and observation of more than 50 bird species, including lesser spotted woodpecker and cuckoo which are both redlisted. This is in the area where the continental forests meet and mingle with the Scandinavian forests and thus creating a rich biodiversity. It is also in the most urbanised region of the country. 

This important area has a strong need for protection. Development plans are already approved by the municipality, but repealed by the environmental authorities after submitted complaints. Plans are now adopted once again, and new submitted complaints will be handled by the municipality and the environmental authorities. 


Too much is already lost. Protect Berger Forest (Bergerskogen). 


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