Rebecca's Law

We, the undersigned, believe that the victims of crime and their families need protection.

To that end, we urge the British Government to implement "Rebecca's Law" in order to prevent unscrupulous journalists from invading the privacy of the families of the victims of rapists and paedophiles.  The destruction of evidence (which hampers the police investigation and causes the families even more distress than they are already being subjected to) must never be allowed to happen again.  The current penalties are not harsh enough.  We demand a "naming and shaming" of those involved.  They must never be allowed to carry out their vile crimes again.

Those in charge of the journalists who have carried out such heinous acts over an extended period of time must be held accountable: either they were complicit, or they were grossly incompetent.  In either case, they should be forbidden from holding any position of responsibility in future.

Those journalists identified as having committed these unspeakable acts must be entered into a register.  Their neighbours should be notified of who they are, where they live, and precisely how much hurt and distress they have caused by their crimes.

This law must be named in memory of the actions of Rebecca Brooks and her minions, so that the memory of these disgraceful events will not be lost.