We, the undersigned, do hereby agree and believe that, together, Judge Stephen Goldman and Prosecutor Bob McCulloch, of St. Louis County, Missouri, are complicit in the continuing criminal rampage of Mr. Paul Tripp, supposed murderer of Ms. Valerie Maria Butler, and we do hereby propose that the aforementioned parties, being Judge Goldman and Prosecutor McCulloch, are at a minimum partially responsible for unleashing Mr. Tripp upon, or at least failing to provide for adequate protection to society, from Mr. Tripp.  There are no others that can be logically blamed, Mr. Tripp having been sentenced to seven years on two felony counts, yet released after having served less than one year in true confinement. The plea-bargaining and sentencing processes, which we, the undersigned, believe to have been rife with unkept promises, lack of prudent judicial discretion, and saturated with prosecutorial incompetence, have together conspired to allow Mr. Tripp freedom far beyond that which most of society would accept as prudent  Therefore, we, the undersigned, do hereby request that the professional licensing bodies of the State of Missouri review, in great detail, the competency of aforementioned practitioners.