rutier code change

Hello, I made this petition in memory of my parents who were killed on the crossing of the pedestrians and in the memory of all victims of traffic accidents. Romania is the first in Europe to traffic accidents, people are no longer safe on both pedestrian crossings and sidewalks. Driving consciousness makes victims every day and laws are not in favor of victims, penalties being too small , For the murder of the guilty, even if the initial driver does no...t acknowledge the deed, and then on the advice of the attorneys declare the acknowledgment of the deed (a technical acknowledgment) knowing that one third of the punishment is dropped, so it only escapes a few years with suspension - A person who steals food to feed the children - pays a penalty of 5 to 10 years with execution. For this, with my family and with the families of many victims, we have decided to make this petition to stop the slaughter due to the drivers of speed. "Car is a weapon" when driven by drivers with speed, we believe that in order to stop accidents, the penalties for the murder of guilty should be increased. For unconscious drivers, who do not slow down, climb steadily, do not observe any sign The punishment must be executed for drivers who are injuring and aggravating. As a person who steals a bread pays with jail from 5-10 years, it is normal for drivers who kill one or more people .. Even when it leaves a miserable person for life, he has to pay with jail with execution. I repeat to make myself understood, I mean only the drivers with aggravating (bauti, drugged or speeded) and violate the law being aware that the speed So I'm praying for my brothers and mine who have been orphans, plus many Romanians who have lost someone dear to the unconscious, sign this petition, show gentlemen that we are united And together we can change the law, in a law that gives us security in our own country.

Ioana Aurelia Murgu    Contact the author of the petition