SACPCMP must fall

Let us stop the wrecking ball known as the SACPCMP!

We have drafted this petition with the intention of the abolishment, suspension or for a major overhaul within the SACPCMP organisation and council.

We have drafted a few concerns below, which we would like noted and acted upon, as some are significant concerns, and we have listed some suggestions of how we can try and resolve these issues once and for all.

1) Many of our members have complained that they have tried calling the SACPCMP and there has been no answer. I personally have called several times on different occasions but I only got through to an automated messaging system and not being able to speak to anyone at their offices. Many of our members have emailed their queries through but it takes weeks and even months to get a response.

I would suggest having a voice mail if the call is not answered with a call back service like (SARS).

There can also be a What's app number where people can be able to send their messages through and their issues can also be resolved through this process.

Another obvious solution would be to employ someone to manage the switchboards.

Regarding the email process I believe more people should have access to emails like a joint email address and also a pop up reminder with actions and feedback to everyone who has emailed the SACPCMP given them deadlines to close out queries.

2) Many members are waiting extremely long for their confirmation letters.

SACPCMP to employ additional assessors to review the Annexures, give feedback and confirmation letters in a much quicker time.

Utilise other third party assessors who specialise in reviewing these documents with specific issues mentioned within the Annexures where the candidates have not provided sufficient information. This way they know exactly what they need to rectify in order to be compliant and not merely given a letter stating they have not met all the criteria within the 9 points on their applications as this causes even more confusion.

3) Complete registration and exams taking too long due to back logs.

Once the assessment process has been completed the candidate should be issued with an exam date which should be able to be written at any library with access to a PC with Internet or at any satellite office around the country.

I know of people who had to drive over 1000 km's from their homes to write in Medupi because it was the closest venue for them to write at.

SACPCMP should be able to have a small branch at all Departments of Labour around the country and have exams taking place weekly around the country.

They could have mobile examination facilities moving around weekly and notifying people where they will be moving to next.

They can use independent training facilities around the country to allow people to write their exams there with CCTV cameras fitted in the facilities if they are concerned about cheating.

Utilise Skype for people in remote areas who can conduct oral examinations in different languages in order to verify their competency.

4) Candidates failing HSE Manager exams due to a lack of time.

There should not be a time allocated to these exams as the examination should not be about how fast you can write but it should be to test ones understanding of the questions and if one can answer it correctly, as some people get nervous in a test or write slower than others etc.

There should be a discussion conducted individually and also as a group with a short presentation given on what they understand on the job.

Also most of the questions focuses on a few of the construction industry activities but it should cover a broad spectrum of the different industries within the Construction sectors of mechanical, electrical and civil and building scope.

Examination results should be issued to the candidates and marked so they can verify where they have lost marks and where they need to improve.

5) Many members see this as a political or ethnical system which has been implemented to push other races either forward or others down.

Others also see that some are trying to manipulate the system and control it from the inside and outside.

Indicate when people have applied on the registration on the website and the status of their applications being publicly demonstrated.

Fair due process must be followed and adhered to and stringent measures to any assessors or moderators who are not being fair with their assessments and they should be removed from the council.

6) High fees being paid by people who are already being paid poor salaries, a high unemployment rate and people struggling to afford these prices.

Being a Non profit organisation government can increase subsidies and in turn reduce the high prices.

Reduce overall fees from Safety officers to Agents and completely remove the charge on all Candidate safety officers.

Comments below from disgruntled Safety Professionals.

Safety officers are now required to register with the so called professional body SACPCMP.
SOME OF us in the field have been trying to get registered from 2014 and have only experienced difficulty daily with this so called professional body.
Process: send through required documentation and if lucky they get back to you 2 years later I only have problems which they want you as an individual to solve.
People employed there have no clue as to what we that are registering need to do.

1. It has become an expense to register.
2. We feel registration is biased we feel that they are using the process to make people unemployed
3. How does one maintain registration when unemployed
4. We are all SAIOSH members and did not have these headaches when being registered
4. Is the SACPCMP establish3d to create more unemployment
5. SACPCMP is only for the elite from the previously advantaged


Help us by adding your name to this list for change.


  • Time to act is now! 

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