The World is Your Home... Clean the House Now!

"Our consciousness must be the closest form of intelligence to nature that we know of and it’s about time we start to use it right!"

At Start2Care we bring people together in a unique and global community. We transcend all known political, economic and religious barriers because Start2Care represents a universal message of hope and unity. Start2Care is  not a movement... We are a modern medium for conscious future builders!

Start2Care in 86 countries and counting!

Start2Care -founded April 5, 2011- is an independent and privately sponsored medium which supports (international) causes and charity events by offering advice and free promotion on the Start2Care websites. It's our first priority to help raise awareness for causes and organizations who represent  a positve message but who don't have access to financial support or operational resources. Our network is available for free to all visitors and members at all time because we believe that  money alone should not be an obstacle when you try to manifest your ideas and solutions. (

Promote Start2Care in your area or country of residence! Become one of the first official International Ambassadors and help us to uphold the honor of Start2Care! The selection of the Ambassadors is open to everyone (18+) in ALL COUNTRIES!