SYFY, Sell the Copy Rights of Your Canceled Shows


I made some petitions last year and mailed the copies out to different networks. But the
answers were all the same. Even though the networks were interested, they needed
the copy rights.

So, the name of this petition says it all. I'm asking for your help in signing the petition
and asking SYFY to sell the copy rights of their shows they've canceled since the Parent
Company took over.

I have seen so many fans of different shows still trying to convince SYFY to renew their favorite
shows. This will give us (fans) a chance that, if this doesn't work, our voices will.  The parent
company will then realize we still want the shows they've canceled since then, back.
Either on their network, or to let other Networks (and Netflix) to take it up on their line up.

Our shows are worth a try. But I can't express this enough. Please, be courteous in your comments
after your signature. Yelling or calling SYFY names won't get far. I know. It's hard not to. Especially
for me as I feel the same frustrations and getting tired of good shows being canceled.

Any questions, do not hesitate to email me. I'm still learning how to use this petition. But, Once
you've signed, you're done. DO NOT DONATE ANY MONEY, if there is a page after you do sign.
It's not my page. If anyone tells you too, DON'T! Please contact me immediately if they do. 

Let's give this a try.

Thank you, for reading....

