The possibility of settlement at the court !!

I greet you, men. Do you also sometimes have the impression that if you pressure for 1 or 2 and there is no toilet in this area you would want to empty on the lawn near a tree? Already you next want to do when I was a police officer knocks on the soil handcuffs on his hands and on the hole and then all get a mandate for handling in a public place and punishment for indecent exposure? Exactly!!! We know the feeling !!! Look, a dog or cat as well as other representative species can peacefully settle on the lawn and somehow the police do not prosecute (no total dog dog is not racing;)). Okay but seriously now. We demand the possibility of settlement needs in a convenient spot under a tree if needed !!! We finally XXIw !! Once our ancestors had no such problems. They relieved themselves at random, and now? Well, we go back ... I do not say that in the middle of the city, including the city center where the people as much as for promotions: item for free - and suddenly thousands of cebulandii meet the 30 free powerbanków to Pokemon longer held, but a bit further where there are fewer people like bananas in the old pre-war homes. How are you with me sign it and send the petition to the Honorable President A. Duda !!