Stop avast phone support

It is a known fact that there are a huge amount of complaints about the company that avast has contracted for telephone support.

Fact is that support for all avast products really is free.

This third party company is operating fully legally.

Yes, they really do.

And that is that sad part.

What they do is saying "Can I have a look at your system?"

If you say yes, they do so.

Than they say "Hé it is not a problem with avast, but you have other problems on/with your system"

If you say "Ok, solve them for me/help me solving them", it means that the support is not free anymore and they basicly can charge you whatever they want.

The reason behind this is that it is not about avast anymore but about other things.

And yes, they are allowed to charge you for it.

Despite the many complaints that have been reported to avast, despite the many complaints on the webboard (and other places) about this, the avast manegement seems to keep their heads in their asses and refuses to change things.

It is a fact that (many?) avast employees also what to change things.

Since the avast management is still not listening/changing things, I've started this petition.

If it will help or not, I do not know.